Le associazioni d’immigranti africani e la mediazione interculturale1

Núria Llevot Calvet, Jordi Garreta Bochaca

The article presents an analysis of intercultural mediation in the associations of African-origin immigrants in three regions (Catalonia, Valencia and Navarre). Specifically, we present how this is being carried out together with the situation of the mediators based on a survey of a 206 associations of immigrant-origin people and thirty interviews (15 with managers of immigrant associations; 10 with administrations and entities that habitually work with these associations and 5 with non-associated immigrants). The results indicate that the associations are place of coexistence, but a significant proportion of these lack specific clear objectives in their work with their users and other social agents. This practice in the associations is incipient, in contrast with the trend in the Spanish entities, which now are beginning to apply this in the educational, health and family environments. Furthermore, the African associations often distort this concept considering it simply as a conversation among their own people.

Intercultural mediation, Associations, African-origin immigrant, Voluntary and professional work.
