Analysis of religious diversity in the catalan educational system (Spain)

Núria Llevot, Carme Molet, Jordi Garreta, Olga Bernad

This text presents an analysis of the religious diversity of the educational Catalan system and its articulation with the education laws in the field of the Spanish state. It shows how the treatment of religion has been matched by the aims at the different education systems, related to the bipartisanship, which has been established in Spain from the advent of the democracy. There are detailed the peculiar characteristics of the education system in Catalonia, highlighting, among others, an important aspect of its education law: its consensual character. However, while an analogous agreement is not possible in Spain, the Catalan government cannot be apart from these Spanish policies party, although, if it could have developed their own policies, for guidance, training and management. For its part, also, some organizations and sectors of the Catalan educational community have bet for the interreligious dialogue, being an active part of this.

Religious diversity, Educational community, Policies, Dialogue.
