Un «rispetto professato con culto di carità»: Maria Montessori e il bambino soggetto attivo della sua educazione religiosa

Marcello Grifò

Repeatedly called in question, if not openly challenged, by virtue of the alleged theosophical suggestions, Montessori’s Christian identity emerges in all its evidence especially in the writings dedicated to the liturgical and catechetical formation of children. They constitute a valuable record of the rich experiences of religious education made, exactly one hundred years ago, in the pedagogical workshop of Barcelona, currently less known, but absolutely fundamental in the history of children’s Method. This paper, yielding to the Author herself, intends to focus on the several contributions that the Catholic thought offered, as the same scientist admitted, to what can be considered a real breakthrough occurred in its educational project. As a result, it was able to meet other cultures and faiths because permeated with a deep perception of God. In this sense the insights of Montessori, who was convinced that pedagogical objectives had to intersect theological perspectives, are a first, prophetic advances towards modern theology of education.

Maria Montessori, Religious education, Liturgical education, Catechesis of children.
