Disabilità e inclusione secondo il capability approach

Luciano Pasqualotto

One of the most innovative concepts introduced by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Health (ICF, 2001), with which the World Health Organization profoundly revolutionised attitudes to disability, is that of functioning.
In the new context outlined by WHO, functioning in one’s life environment has become the future for care and inclusion, towards which all interventions supporting people with disabilities must be inclined. Such a concept is further emphasised if read from the perspective suggested by Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen, known as the capability approach. This article therefore presents an in-depth analysis of the concept of functioning in relation to the condition of disability according to the perspective given by the Indian economist. This perspective is pushed to its widest cultural, social and political consequences by Martha Nussbaum, thanks to whom the study is filled with elements for critical discussion on customs and practices used as well as practical tips for better inclusion of people with disabilities.
