Diffondere la cultura della compresenza nella scuola italiana

Paolo Fasce

The co-teaching culture is the key to school inclusion. To sustain it, the legal framework which sees it manifested in the holding of joint teaching posts is not enough; it needs to be sustained by encouraging the teachers themselves to engage in co-planning, which naturally tends to prevent the class removals which are so common today, especially in upper secondary schools. This context is facilitated by the creation of «mixed teaching posts», where special needs teachers, no longer restricted to a single role, can feel fulfilled and accomplished, thus increasing the quality of their work. Such an innovation can rely on the experience and establishment of so many who have «switched to subjects» and completes the picture of the evolution of the special needs teacher described by Ianes (2014), which is equally necessary in order to put a stop to the inward-looking nature of class councils, even the most favourably disposed and professional ones. Such a solid proposal is also bound to engage with the problem of precariousness in teaching (not only temporary contracts but also provisional employment and postings) and permanent training, which must be explicitly regulated.
