Verso una pedagogia di prossimità

Marina Seganti

The following reflection does not centre on disability because we believe that inclusion is an integral part of a process of proximity, calling into question each and everyone, young and old, specialists and non-specialists. A school that is allied to the community needs to understand reality in order for consolidated ways to be bent and expanded into inclusive possibilities. Proximity welfare is the key to understanding, by going through the spheres of a modern day school: research and innovation, relationships and teaching. These are difficult and challenging steps, capable of building significant processes and best and actual practices that can be transferred. The modern day school is called upon to build bridges and paths through a plurality of commitments: it represents the mainstay of the sense of teaching and educating, it uses internal and external spaces and it is attentive to social and cultural changes, in a pedagogical perspective of contact, aimed at the enhancement, presence, and meeting of the school, family and community.
