BES: tra prospettiva inclusiva e processo di integrazione

Pasquale Moliterni

With the promulgation of the directive issued by the MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) on the 27th of December 2012, «Strumenti d’intervento per gli alunni con bisogni educativi speciali e organizzazione territoriale per l’inclusione scolastica» («Intervention Strategies for pupils with special educational needs and local organisation for school inclusion») and the associated MC n. 8 of the 6th March 2013, in which operational guidelines are made explicit, a huge debate was set off in the academic world (in particular in special pedagogy), in school associations and in families of pupils affected by disabilities. In this debate, on the one hand, approval of progress in the process of school integration is heard, and on the other hand, caution and worries about effectively achieving the creation of a more inclusive, integrated society are voiced.
