E-tutor esperti nei processi d’inclusione: verso un modello per la formazione

Marisa Pavone, Antonello Mura

The article highlights the original and specific features which characterise the profile of the e-tutor as an expert of integration processes in the framework of the FIRB «Ret@ccessibile: insegnamento-apprendimento insieme e per tutti in un progetto di vita» (Net@ccessible: teaching and learning together and for one and all in a lifelong plan), in a process of research and reflection that is intended to prepare a suitable training curriculum to define the professional profile of the e-tutor as an expert in the on-line learning and training processes, in particular, designed to include persons with disabilities, without rejecting aspects of possible convergence with the sectorrelated national and international research. The qualitative and quantitative elements are emphasised which indicate the added value in theoretical and operational terms to the functions and skills which the better known literature has so far ascribed to the figure of the e-tutor, starting from a new anthropo-technological and pedagogical-educational awareness that identifies the realisation potential of every human being within the principle of full accessibility.
