Lavorare con le famiglie «difficili» di alunni e studenti con disabilità a scuola

Luigi Croce, Federica Di Cosimo

The article examines two fundamental aspects of the complexity that characterises the movement and the practice of school inclusion in Italy. First of all, it is necessary to examine the aspect of the skills and expertise which professionals, clinical directors and consultants and teachers in the field should be able to express in the communication and collaborative interaction with the family members of pupils and students with a disability. Secondly, an endeavour is made to conceptually identify and map out the coordinates of the model on which to build and share the dynamics of the communication and collaborative interaction with the same families. It should be possible to avail of a simple thought contribution to create tools and practices in the field able to govern the complexity of the intention and phenomenon described as «school inclusion», in the critical area of the interaction with family members.
