La «Classetta»: un’esperienza di integrazione nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado

Ilaria Folci, Silvia Maggiolini, Gianni Zampieri

Access to the upper secondary school represents a particularly complex moment in the life of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families. The type of school, the assessment of the educational programme proposed, the consistency with the disabled student’s life project, the teachers’ expertise in relation to the educational programme, represent only some of the many aspects which must be assessed when choosing the most appropriate educational path. The pilot curriculum implemented during the 2009-2010 academic year by the «Don Giovanni Calabria» Multipurpose Centre of Verona, in collaboration with the «Centro studi e ricerche sul disagio e le povertà educative» (Centre for the study and research of educational hardship and poverty) of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, is integrated in these considerations. The project has set itself the goal of responding in an effective and innovative way to the teaching and educational needs of students with disabilities who have registered for a professional training course, after terminating their studies in the junior secondary schools.
