In silenzio, davanti a una storia che emerge dai silenzi…

Mario Paolini

A judge, Karl Binding, and a psychiatrist, Alfred Hoche, published a book in Germany in 1920 entitled Il permesso di annientare vite indegne di vita (Permission to annihilate lives unworthy of life). At the Nuremberg Trial in 1946, other judges, in fact, sanctioned that the lives of hundreds of thousands of disabled and mentally ill persons killed during Nazism were, in fact, lives which were worth less: their extermination was punished with a few years in prison involving a few of the persons who were responsible. All the others persons went unpunished. Some had successful careers and were honoured like a teacher. There are two possible types of silence in the face of such an atrocious event: one, to be respected, is that of the victims; the other, an accomplice, is that each one of us can choose to feed or counter the knowledge with doubts, with discussion.
