A scuola di diversità. Esperienze nella scuola secondaria di primo grado

Valter Regoli

The author is a support teacher in a junior secondary school and describes some examples of good co-operation with curricular teachers to develop projects which are not intended exclusively for students with special needs, but which involved the whole class that also included the latter students.
The experiences described may be considered as a different way of teaching, but also as an example of «teaching diversity at school» where the final aims to be achieved are represented by the diffusion of a culture of integration, both at school and in society.
The first experience concerns quite a broad project on the subject of architectural barriers, the right of disabled people to gain access and how we can have a different view of the places where we live, while the second experience concerns the approach of very young pre-adolescents to the knowledge of different abilities, in this case of a blind person.
