The CONFIDE project by the Italian Fragile X Syndrome Association

Valentina Paola Cesarano

This contribution aims to explore the experiences of the participants and their families in the CONFIDE project, which is part of the Erasmus Plus programme. The project (Creating Opportunities and Fighting Disability for Europe) was created to demonstrate how the employment inclusion of young people with Fragile X Syndrome, and in general with a condition of disability, is not only possible, but also useful in encouraging, on the part of the latter, the acquisition of greater autonomy, and at a social level, the breaking down of the hidden wall of prejudice towards this condition of disability. It was decided that a series of semi-structured interviews to promote the narration of what the participants and their families experienced be carried out. The corpus of interviews was subjected to content analysis (Krippendorff, 2013), using grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) as a theoretical and methodological frame of reference with the help of the software NVivo (Richards, 1999). The process of analysis led to the formulation of the core category represented by the «Life Project Aimed at Adulthood».


Life project, Adulthood, Work inclusion, Associations, Transformation.
