When school can do everything

Fabio Bocci, Giorgio Crescenza

Simonetta Salacone was a teacher, principal and politician who contributed with passion, commitment and competence for over 40 years to making the Italian school increasingly democratic and inclusive, in other words constitutional. The educational institution — dedicated to Iqbal Masih — directed by Simonetta Salacone for a long time and which today rightly bears her name, has been a point of reference for generations of teachers but also of students and their families, a model of pedagogical agora which was able to catalyze and reintroduce experiences, good practices, experimentation and wide-ranging actions aimed at giving substance to that idea of an educating community that Simonetta Salacone has always assumed as the guiding star of her pedagogical and political action. The authors, sharing the same assumptions and values and having had the opportunity to get to know her closely, here outline a militant portrait of her, which wants to be at the same time a due act of gratitude to her intellectual (therefore political) profile but also a nurtured memory by great and unquenchable affection.


Simonetta Salacone, Educating Community, Democratic School, Inclusion, Italian Constitution.
