La didattica delle attività motorie attraverso lo sviluppo di un modello sociografico

Felice Corona, Carla Cozzarelli

The activity of research in the experimental fi eld, in the scholastic and non-scholastic circles intends to examine critically the various methodological opportunities used by the sector related professionalisms, by performing a comparative study of experiences and by highlighting the formative models which are transferable in various social contexts with a greater possibility of cultural contamination. This investigation on collaboration and on group relationships also involves the bodily experience that is at the centre of the development of the physical and emotional self compared to the others and to the external world. The practice of motor activity that can represent «the first step» to interpreting the external world, also by virtue of the experimental use of models and innovative sociographic methods of learning, is achieved through the senses and through perception achieving a positive internal reconstruction of physical reality.
