The inclusive evaluation of University students4

Cristina Coggi, Federica Emanuel

Faced with the diversification of educational demand, the university is called to revise the evaluation in an inclusive logic, so as to support the success of all students. To this end, it is necessary to control the summative evaluation processes of exams, to avoid biases related to stereotypes or prejudices that can distort evaluation and decision-making processes, generating discrimination. It is also necessary to promote continuous and formative assessment strategies during courses, to enable students to transition from dependent learning to self-regulated and autonomous learning. Therefore, the importance to train faculty members in the principles and practices of inclusive evaluation emerges, through specific training actions, so as to support teaching centred on students and attentive to their needs. Strategies for the removal of failure risk factors should also be specifically introduced, in particular for students with disabilities or SLD. The experience of the IRIDI program of professionalization of faculty members in teaching confirms the effectiveness of the model adopted.


Evaluation, Inclusion, Higher Education, Disability, Specific Learning Disorders.
