School at house(everyone bring something)

Carlo Scataglini

The experience of online teaching, due to schools closing in the Covid-19 pandemic, caused huge issues to inclusion. Often the obstacles have been overwhelming, especially for pupils with severe cognitive and relational impairments and for students within the autistic spectrum. It is nonetheless worthy to subject online schooling to a in depth scrutiny, to find out some positive outcomes and to recognize (and therefore overcome) many mistakes that were already made in the classroom. Online schooling highlighted the limits of a transmissive and traditional way of teaching, where the main focuses are information and subject-related contents, while little attention is given to personal skills and resources that each and every student can bring and circulate within her context of learning. An educational framework that is more constructive, and in which everyone can «bring their own contribution» would be a better ground to cultivate inclusion, everyday and for everyone.


School, online schooling, inclusion.
