Clinica legale della disabilità e della vulnerabilità: an experience of clinal legal education

Virginia Bilotta, Alessandro Campo

In this paper, after we provide an overview of the historical background regarding the clinical legal education, we’ll describe the work of the «Clinica legale della disabilità e della vulnerabilità» in the University of Torino (Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza). Therefore we’ll focus on the legal activity in the strict sense: we’ll show the results of the work on a specific criminal case and the results of the studies about «Independent Living», which directs the overall clinical action. Then we’ll try to explain our job of representation of disability, which in the legal clinic moves within the case method. We’ll also dwell on the concept of disability that guides our work, which moves in a further direction from the one drawn by Martha Nussbaum. Finally, we’ll try to summarize the main methodological issues concerning our idea of clinical education: the rhetorical perspective, the case method approach developed according to a complex conception of the thirdness and, above all, the relationship with humanities, from which derives the clinical-legal meaning of using cinema as a means of representation of disability.


Clinical legal education, disability, vulnerability, humanities, independent living.
