Training and innovation at school

Claudia Rebesani

Why innovate and train?
If we want to keep up with the transformations that are taking place inside and outside schools, and to help
create future citizens, we must, as teachers, go through a journey of training and innovation, that aims to the
constant improvement of the Syllabus. Through constant training, reflection and revision of our convictions,
practices and educational tools we can take an active part and become the main characters of today’s transformative
process of the educational paradigm.
How to innovate and train?
Wherever we may start our life-long learning journey (may that be the needs of out students, our own personal
curiosity to explore new methods, the will of change that comes with a moment of frustration and/or failure),
it is important to identify our goal, the road to take, and the tools to use.
It is essential to create an ecosystem in which to share (experiences, best practices and materials), collaborate
and discuss with our fellow teachers.
The goal is to create a learning community where each and every student or teacher is both protagonist and a
contributor in a different but equally valuable path of research, training, reflection and continuing innovation.

Training, innovation, change, reflection, awareness, self-training, learning communities
