History, definitions, types, benefits and prospects for use of OER

Christian Stracke

This article provides an overview of the set of Open Educational Resources (OER), their relative definitions and application potentials. In the first part, different types of OER will be illustrated, including definitions and types, from the viewpoint of a future kind of OER, which will integrate and comprise all the others. In the second part, the benefits given to education by OER as arguments in favour of their practical application and adaptation will be highlighted. Furthermore, the article will distinguish between different prospects for use in order to demonstrate how OER can be used in practice. Experiences of use in the field of school inclusion within the EBE-EUSMOSI project will be presented. Lastly, future challenges and opportunities for expanding the use and impact of OER will be presented.

Open Educational Resources, quality learning, educational innovations, EBE-EUSMOSI
