Teaching through competences: A special opportunity for students with learning disabilities

Giuseppe Filippo Dettori

In recent years a number of studies have dealt with the issue of learning disabilities, we can affirm that there has been a progressive increase in the number of students with a SLD diagnosis. As a result schools have to review their own teaching methods in order to respond to students who show problems with reading, maths reasoning and writing. The 170/10 law and its guidelines, which were an authentic reference point for the teachers, provided information about the real enhancement of students over the course of their studies. Still nowadays, in a learning context where their teachers don’t take into consideration their disabilities, a lot of students feel insecure and inadequate. This essay aims to show how, through the use of a new teaching method, teaching through competences, which is very different from the traditional method, students can achieve school success using metacognitive and self-assessment strategies. We can refer to the first results from ongoing research, which show that teachers have really positive results in classes with SLD students when they work on learning units based on group work and self-assessment.

Learning disabilities, teaching through competences, self-assessment
