Approccio neuromotorio ai Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento come disprassia sequenziale

Piero Crispiani, Marco Paolo Dellabiancia

In the article the authors dwell, in particular, on a number of neuro-motor aspects of the brain’s functions required when reading, although pursuing the perspective already proposed some time ago by P. Crispiani concerning the nature of dyslexia-dysgraphia-dyscalculia as a tendentially integrated, qualitative and partially pervasive Disorder (sequential Dyspraxia). Three different perceptive-motor processes are described in this sense and their necessary integration in the function’s overall unit organisation, starting from the overall movement outlined by Jeannerod, where three different operating plans are defi ned. The three perceptive-motor processes described in this way form part of the intermediate plan, the one that is performed entirely automatically, and above all, by following modular routes (namely, tendentially processed autonomously), which gives rise to the treatment solution adopted in the SAF (Succession, Automatisms and Fluidity) Triangle and by the CoCliTe System, entirely in the Embodied Cognition perspective.
