Dieci anni con la Legge 68/99

Leonardo Callegari

Achieving employment inclusion of disabled persons and, more in general, persons suffering social hardship requires the important co-operation of companies willing to accept these persons with compatible job descriptions and contexts able to support and integrate the specifi c subjective differences.
Above all, this co-operation becomes fundamental during a phase of serious economic and employment diffi culties, as is the current phase, and the distinctive merits of the more socially responsible companies concerning the aspect of good inclusive practices must be publicly acknowledged.
The initiative taken this year by the AILeS Association of Bologna goes in this direction (coinciding with the 10-year application of Law No. 68/99 containing «Regulations to discipline the right of disabled persons to work») intended to award the «2010 Inclusive Company» logo to the compliant undertakings which have contributed a qualitative added value in terms of the persons they have hired.
