Cultura materiale in adolescenza: uno spazio di comunicazione tra adolescenti udenti e audiolesi

Rachele Dileo, Marilena Fatigante

This paper investigates the forms of interaction between a group of adolescents with normal hearing and hearingimpaired adolescents in the same educational context, based on the participant observation methodology from an ethnographic perspective. The study aims to identify the specifi c nature of communication between the groups (normal hearing, impaired hearing) characterised by the sense of belonging and by inclusive and/or estranging group dynamics. The authors maintain that if development is a process in which the adolescent becomes progressively accultured, the related study implies being familiar with the reference culture of the community to which the adolescent belongs, in both material and symbolic terms and the ways in which the communication processes occur within the group and with external groups. The study begins by reviewing the material culture of the adolescents with the aim of setting up a common area in which to enable groups of hearing and hearing-impaired adolescents to communicate.
