C’era una volta… laTerra. Linguaggi audiovisivi e sordità

Addolorata Vantaggiato

The basic idea of the Integration Project «C’era una volta… la Terra. Linguaggi audiovisivi e sordità» («Once upon a time there was… the Earth. Audiovisual language and deafness») was to involve two hearing impaired pupils with cochlear implants attending primary year four in an integrated didactic programme. This aimed at the development of the linguistic-communicative area (the area with the greatest impairment), using as an integrative background an educational topic (environmental pollution) and compensating for hearing impairments through the use of audiovisual languages. The intent was to improve the basic competences (active listening, comprehension, language production and reasoning) of the two pupils with special educational needs, and those of all the other pupils, by means of a new method of teaching, which uses videos and documentaries to facilitate processes of learning and knowledge creation.
