Table of contents

Volume 17, Issue 1, May 2019


May 2019

Formare gli insegnanti a una scuola democratica e interculturale. L’esperienza dei Master “Organizzazione e gestione delle istituzioni scolastiche in contesti multiculturali”

Ivana Bolognesi, Chiara Brescianini
Open access

Thoughts, theories, analysis

Intercultural teacher training: experiences, knowledge and field research

Open access

Interculturalism and teacher training: pedagogical deconstruction pathways

Open access

Families and schools within multicultural contexts. A pedagogical and didactic approach to knowledge and planning

Open access

Thinking methodically and using logic of inquiry: action-research for training and action in the multicultural school

Open access

Learning to reflect. Teacher training in multicultural contexts.

Open access

Experiences, programmes, projects

A teaching community in the mirror: self-perception and removal in the intercultural education approach

Open access

Intercultural revision of the history curriculum. An action-research experience

Open access

Migrations and disabilities. An intersectional approach for a plural school

Open access

“Who are you? What do you think? From life experiences to different points of view...”. Planning inclusion in upper secondary school

Open access

New Italians are growing up. Migrant literature as an educational tool in upper secondary school

Open access

Teaching citizenship within an intercultural perspective. “New Italian” pupils at the Oriani-Mazzini School in Milan

Open access

Open section

Immigration or apocalypse? Critical and pedagogical reflections in relation to the controversial novel. Le Camp des Saints by Jean Raspail

Open access


Discriminazioni fra genere e colore. Un’analisi critica per l’impegno interculturale e antirazzista. A cura di S. Lorenzini e M. Cardellini, FrancoAngeli (2018)

Open access