English camp: technology, innovation and experience for an original approach to the English language for SLD

Valentina Dazzi, Alice Guardigli, Giuseppe Pellegrino, Niccolò Rovatti

The English Camp for dyslexic youth has been taking place in San Marino, Italy, since 2005. In the camp participants work in a computer room and attend English practical activities; in addition, due to the fact that the Camp is residential, they are fully time immersed in a welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere of exchange and sharing. Through the computer room activities, participants discover that learning English is not an impossible goal, that they can master tools to reach it, and learn them in a manner suited to their learning patterns, and finally they find out how to explore useful strategies to improve their own studying autonomy. Computers and compensatory instruments are available at all times, so the students can choose their preferred tools and strategies for each task. The English practical activities are a set of «Italian language forbidden» situations, in which everybody has to communicate in English while playing games. Equally important are the moments outside of the classroom, in which a professional supports and facilitates debate and exchange among the group.


Learning strategies, computer tools, effectiveness, communicative competence, autonomy, campus, foreign language, dyslexia.
