Emotional States in Children with a Specific Learning Disorder

Catia Zamboni

The diagnosis of specific learning disorder (SLD), carried out within the expected times, occurs at a time of development in which, in the absence of previous problems, a sufficiently competent self-image is taking shape in the child and a reassuring confidence is taking shape in the parents regarding the results of their care. The diagnosis interferes with the existing family balance, resulting in a reorganisation of the entire nucleus. The outcome of this readjustment is strictly dependent on the completeness of the diagnostic process, on the level of adaptive reaction to the diagnosis by the child and their parents, on the degree of harmony between teachers and the child’s needs and on the possibility of activating appropriate support programmes and networking between the child neuropsychiatry service, the school and local resources. The aim of this article is to analyse certain steps (within evaluative, habilitative and educational programmes which have already been extensively plotted in literature and research), which may or may not materialise, on the one hand in the diagnostic and referral procedure and, on the other hand, in the didactic approach. This will affect the ability of the child to integrate this diagnosis into their development in a healthy way.


SSLD, Narcissistic suffering, Diagnostic measures, Role of adults, Empathy.
