An associative working memory span test useful in the assessment of dyslexia
Arianna Antonello, Barbara Carretti, Laura Di Criscienzo, Enrico Toffalini, Cesare Cornoldi
Increasing evidence shows that a reading disorder may be the consequence of a series of concurring factors and its complete assessment could include, not only the classical learning and intelligence tests but also tests examining the role of these factors and most importantly of Phonological Working Memory. This paper presents a new Phonological Working Memory test (span di MLFA - Associative Phonological Working Memory Span), which takes into consideration its associative component, a component proving crucial in reading acquisition. Procedure and normative values for years 4-7 are presented. The agility of the procedure of the test and its informative power lead us to recommend its use in the standard assessment of dyslexia.
Phonological Working Memory, Associative processes, Dyslexia, Assessment.