Vol. 16, n. 3, novembre 2023 — pp. 121-121


a cura di (edited by) Annamaria Di Fabio

Blustein, D. L., & Flores, L. Y. (Eds.) (2023).

Rethinking work: Essays on building a better workplace

Routledge, pp. 288, £26.99 (paperback), £120.00 (hardback), £24.29 (eBook)

The book Rethinking work: Essays on building a better workplace edited by David L. Blustein and Lisa Y. Flores is a crucial text that offers thoughtful stimuli and perspectives for improving workplace practices. The volume consists of a series of valuable essays from different points of view (scholars, psychologists, social scientists, leaders, and activists) worldwide.

The book offers useful suggestions for rethinking many different issues related to work: new perspectives, from individual ways for improving one’s work life to recommendations for new systemic and institutional reforms. This volume responds to the profound changes of the world of work and offers essential contributions with special attention to vulnerable and marginalized workers in all parts of the world. The book constitutes an essential step for developing an inclusive perspective on working in the contemporary scenario.

The volume is composed by seven parts: the first part focuses on the function of work in people’s lives, the second part on the changing nature of work, the third part on inequality and work, the fourth part on precarious work, unemployment and underemployment; the fifth part on race, culture, and work; the sixth on practice, systematic, and policy perspectives on work; the seventh on technology and work. The volume includes a total of 45 chapters.

The book represents a precious and unfailing resource for those who are interested in the issue of rethinking work for a better society and thus scholars, professionals, students, leaders, policy makers, and all readers interested in having a comprehensive and enlightening overview to guide future developments for a working reality characterized by inclusiveness, dignity, equity and increased well-being.

This volume constitutes a stimulating resource for understanding the complex and challenging current scenario and envisioning a better future for the world of work. Proposing future perspectives in the ongoing discussion about work, this volume is a pillar in the 21st century and post-Covid era, offering promising suggestions for rethinking work and building a better workplace for all.

Annamaria Di Fabio1

1 Università degli Studi di Firenze.
