Observing, talking about and sharing adoption: Psychodynamic group counseling in health and social services

Michela Di Fratta, Paolo Valerio

Psychodynamic group counseling found a favourable application in the Integrated Adoption Route, promoted by a Complex Structure (Maternal Service for children of Brusciano of the ex Asl Na4 merged into Asl Na3sud) according to the Health Care Assistant Integration (Territorial Services, Social Areas, Local Agencies, Accredited Bodies, Third Sector).
This clinical and research project introduces a model which can be exported to different institutional contexts. Psychodynamic group counseling is a valid tool for stimulating effective communication and training processes in the psychological and social field. Group work combines and integrates professional knowledge with user experience. The model lends itself to Health Management, promoting the implementation of interventions that ensure specialists’ competence, cost management and timing.


Silent observer; psychodynamic group counseling; special needs adoption.
