Academic Relational Civility Scale: A multidimensional “mirror” measure

Annamaria Di Fabio

This article presents the psychometric properties of a new multidimensional measure for evaluating academic relational civility (ARC). This new self-report mirror measure has two specular sections (Part A–Me with others in the academic context; Part B–Others with me in the academic context) that detect the perception of academic relational civility, helping to reduce the bias in the assessment process. The scale has three dimensions with good internal consistency: Relational Decency (RD), Relational Culture (RCu), and Relational Readiness (RR). Confirmatory factor analysis showed a good fit of the model to the data. Good validity was also established. The new mirror
measure for assessing ARC is a valid instrument for measuring this construct in the Italian context.


Academic civility; relational civility; relational decency; relational culture; relational readiness.
