Counseling and Career Counseling: Advancements and Definitions

Annamaria Di Fabio

This contribution presents relevant advancements in the international and national debate on counseling and career counseling, derived from the fruitful and continual collaboration starting in 2001 between the University of Turin (until 2005), then the University of Chieti-Pescara — in the person of Prof. Mario Fulcheri — and the University of Florence (Annamaria Di Fabio). The article delineates the valuable contribution offered by Fulcheri to the current forms of help, helping relationships, career counseling and the wide application areas of counseling. Furthermore, an in-depth look at career counseling is offered, outlining promising perspectives. This contribution is also intended as a tribute in honour of the significant scientific and professional work of our dear colleague Mario Fulcheri, who worked so hard at developing the applications of counseling in different fields.


Counseling, Career counselling, Helping professions.
