The elderly, the time perspective and the Covid-19 pandemic

Luisa Zanin, Manuela Zambianchi

The study investigated the time perspective, beliefs on the Covid-19 pandemic, the perceived efficacy of protective behaviours, the adherence to protective and risk behaviours for contagion, and sources of information on the pandemic in a group of 139 people over 65 (mean age = 72.74; 53% females; 47% males). They compiled the Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory in the Italian version and the Questionnaire on Motivation to Protect Against Covid-19. The perception of severity and vulnerability to Covid-19 and protective behaviours, beliefs on protection measures and beliefs on Covid-19 vaccines correlate positively with the adoption of protective health behaviours, while they negatively correlate with the adoption of risky behaviours. Present fatalistic correlates positively with beliefs on the vaccine, but also with the adoption of risky behaviours for contagion, while future positive correlates negatively with risky behaviours. The intention to get vaccinated in the future is associated with perceived severity of the pandemic and the adoption of protections, the present fatalistic, and beliefs that protections are effective. It is negatively associated with mistrust in political institutions and mass-media. Findings were discussed taking into consideration public health practitioners and counseling.


Covid-19, Third age, Protection motivation, Vaccines, Beliefs about the pandemic.
