The Career Engagement Scale

Gerardo Petruzziello, Rita Chiesa, Mariani

This study aims to carry out an initial evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Career Engagement Scale, first introduced by Hirschi et al. (2014), in order to assess the general extent to which individuals engage in different career behaviours. After translating and creating an Italian adaptation of the scale, an evaluation of its factorial structure at a confirmatory level and its internal consistency was performed. A sample, comprising 314 Italian university students and graduates, was involved and they completed an online questionnaire containing the Italian version of the Career Engagement Scale. The results confirm the monodimensional structure of Career Engagement, in line with existing literature, and report excellent internal consistency values. Whilst encouraging, the results need to be analysed in further depth, with additional validation analyses with more heterogeneous and larger samples. Nevertheless, this initial evaluation suggests that this scale may be an agile tool in Italian research contexts (e.g. for evaluating the general impact of career behaviours on career outcomes) and practical settings (such as career counselling and development programmes).


Career guidance, Career Engagement, Italian version of the Career Engagement Scale, Psychometric properties.
