Health City Management

Michele Di Sivo, Emanuele Leporelli, Giovanni Santi

Introducing the importance of human well-being within both the urban and architectural physical space, from the domestic to the working dimension, this paper illustrates a research project, which is still in progress, aimed at defining sustainable strategies to promote policies for health in the urban context, through the active participation of citizens, with a territorial interpretation from an architectural, urban and health point of view. The need for interdisciplinary work between doctors, psychologists, architects, planners, and all those who manage the development of the city has arisen. The result of the project is to define the skills of a new professional figure capable of combining the needs of city development and the safeguarding of health, in the context of healthy cities.


Healthy city, Architecture, Urban space, Urban planning management, Safety manager, Well-being management, Psychology of sustainability and sustainable development.
