Table of contents

Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2017


Jan 2017


Michele Zappella

Ricerca internazionale

Implicit and explicit Theory of Mind reasoning in autism spectrum disorders: The impact of experience

Ricerca italiana

Asperger’s syndrome in women. Problems and difficulties in emotional relationships

«Like anthropologists on Mars»: The quality of life of families with high-functioning autistic children

Development of communicative-linguistic and adaptive skills in children with autism spectrum disorder after six months of treatment

Constructional praxis in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Appendice 2

Conversational analysis in autism and social (pragmatic) communication disorder. An investigation with TOPICC and Pragmatic Rating Scale


Quinto Convegno internazionale «Autismi. Risposte per il presente, sfide per il futuro» - Palacongressi di Rimini (14 e 15 ottobre 2016)


Tutto quello che vorreste sapere sul SESSO. La sessualità spiegata agli adolescenti con sindrome di Asperger