About this Journal

An up-to-date journal on the results of scientific research on autism, which is full of innovative practical suggestions. Over the last few years, research has identified a number of clinical, habilitative and educational strategies aimed at improving the quality of life of autistic children and adults and facilitating their social integration. Alongside psychoeducational aspects, the journal also tackles medical and pharmacological aspects, mindful of the fact that the extreme complexity and variety of cases presenting amongst individuals with autism spectrum disorders require a multidisciplinary approach.

Journal layout

– International studies and research: studies and research on autism, published in the most prestigious international journals.
– Italian studies and research: the results of Italian research into autism spectrum disorders.
– Experiences and projects: first-hand accounts from doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists working with autism spectrum disorders.
– Reviews: the latest books and articles on autism.

Sample topics

– Assessing the adult autistic patient.
– Psychoeducational interventions in children with autism spectrum disorders.
– Quality of life in families taking care of an autistic individual.
– Diagnostic markers of autism in the first two years of life.
– Semantic Pragmatic Language disorder.
– School integration of children with autism spectrum disorders.
– Importance of early intervention in autism: TEACCH and emotional restraint.
– Applied Behavioural Analysis in autism spectrum disorders.
– The theory of mind.
– Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
– Studies on mirror neurons and autism.
– Integrated interventions in autism.

ISSN Printed version: 1722-4071

ISSN Digital version: 2724-0819

Journal registration number 1156/2002 (Court of Trento)