Asperger’s syndrome in women. Problems and difficulties in emotional relationships

Silvia Maggiolini, Giulia Peretti

This paper aims to analyse a research topic of recent interest and increasing importance in the social and educational field: the condition of physical and psychological abuse experienced by women with Asperger’s syndrome. This paper begins with the question: what are the reasons that make these women more vulnerable to abuse of various kinds? In order to identify possible issues for debate and to encourage a deeper understanding of the problem, the contribution of different professionals was considered essential (pedagogical, psychological and legal elements). Particular attention is paid both to the importance of specific diagnostic criteria for the female gender and to the need to better understand the main features related to the management of relationships in women with Asperger’s syndrome. This article is therefore intended as an exploratory journey within a research field which nowadays is still relatively unknown but is acquiring increasing scientific attention.


Asperger’s Syndrome in women, gender differences, emotional relationships, diagnostic difficulties.
