Comprensione delle caratteristiche prosodiche nello sviluppo tipico e in soggetti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico. Dati preliminari con prove originali

Barbi Giulia, Bilancia Giovanni, Musetti Alessandro, Padovani Roberto, Testi Alessio

We are presenting a study on prosodic comprehension in typically developing children and in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Three tasks assessing different prosodic features were administered: 1) a task tapping basic social-perceptual features of the speaker such as gender and age; 2) a task related to emotional prosody processing; 3) a pragmatic task where subjects were asked to judge brief communicative exchanges modulated by grammatical prosody (e.g., speech acts such as imperatives and questions). Four different groups of participants were selected: typically developing children at different ages (4 vs. 8 years of age) and subjects with ASD with different linguistic profiles (verbal vs. non-verbal participants) but similar non-verbal intellectual functioning. Results showed a developmental pattern in typical children; ASD participants revealed performances partially related to their linguistic competence.
