Il bullismo e le diversità

Michele Zappella

Bullying is a kind of persecution which is repeated over time and is determined by a group of young people acting against one of them, often accompanied by the assent or indifference of others. It usually occurs at school. Victims are often selected for their diversity, which can be obesity, shyness and limited social abilities, young people with Asperger’s syndrome, high functioning autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia and other difficulties of a similar degree. In recent years cyberbullying, based on the use of computers and smartphones, has been expanding more and more. The dangers, damage and suffering induced by bullying are often serious both at the time and later on for both victims and bullies. Interpretations of this phenomenon and its prevalence, together with direct as well as preventive interventions against it, at an institutional, familial and societal level, are discussed.
