My story of intractable brains

Gianluca Nicoletti

As a journalist and father of an autistic child, Gianluca Nicoletti strives for the widespread culture of neurodiversity. Given the profound backwardness of Italy in the area of disability, it appears tough for a country incapable of making a distinction between obsolete approaches and scientific evidence to talk about autism on a uniform basis. No coincidence then that disunity and strife quite often persist among Italian families and associations. Hence, it is not simple to undermine those deep-rooted social biases that deliberately minimise the exact nature of autism, including its most troublesome aspects. In his three novels and a film, Nicoletti has presented his view on the issue of autism, often without the approval of those families of individuals with ASDs who deem his way of talking excessively aggressive and personal. He is currently working on the «Intractable Brains» concept for the dissemination and promotion of cognitive, behavioural, interpersonal, and thoughtful differences that dwell in endless progressions in every possible social environment.

Communication, «Cervelli Ribelli» [«Intractable Brains»], coming out, «Fantautismo» [combining «fanciful» & «autism»], evidence-based.
