The hall of mirrors

Pierpaolo Congia

This paper proposes several points to be considered regarding the specificity of the group setting in the
light of recent findings concerning mirror systems. In particular, two working hypotheses are outlined:
the first is that the results of this research are particularly relevant to understand the processes which
are activated in the group setting. The second is that this setting represents a particularly useful tool
in the treatment of severe personality disorders, because it is an environment in which the emotional
and intentional attunement and empathy are constantly stimulated. The processes of self-knowledge and
knowledge of others receive a strong boost from the need to reflect and understand other people and to
negotiate narratives constructed starting from material of own and others experience and the experience
of other participants. In the light of the theoretical considerations exposed, the author proposes a
working method designed to maximize the impact of these change promoting factors, and in particular
those which concern self-understanding through the simulation and construction of the other.

Group psychotherapy, personality disorders, mirror neuron systems, attachment, constructivism.
