Analysis of a Complex Functional Profile
Elisa Calufetti
This study aims to document the neuropsychological contribution in the analysis of a multicomponential functional profile in a patient with borderline intellectual functioning comorbid with complex Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The clinical reasoning that guided the phases of diagnostic framing, treatment setting, and subsequent interpretation of highlighted data refers to a neuroconstructivist theoretical framework. Additionally, the psychological dimensions considered for a better understanding of the implications on the family system are outlined. In correlation with the emerged data, the intervention project is then described in its various aspects: emotional-behavioral and direct neuropsychological treatment with the child, support work on parental functions, and intervention in the school context. These treatment objectives are articulated in terms of methods, tools, and procedures adopted, with a description of the results following the treatment and what is highlighted by the neuropsychological follow-up evaluation, allowing a reformulation of the diagnostic framework. A reflection on the limitations of the conducted work, encountered criticalities, and future perspectives in various intervention areas is proposed.The aim of the study is, therefore, to support the importance of an integrated intervention that, from a multidisciplinary perspective, involves specific and early intervention on the child while promoting adaptation and resilience in the family system.
Borderline Intellectual Functioning, DCD, ADHD, Integrated intervention, Neuropsychological rehabilitation.