I disturbi cognitivi nel deterioramento mentale: impatto clinico-funzionale e sulla qualità di vita del soggetto e del caregiver

Patrizia Consolmagno

The epidemic prevalence of dementia is increasing worldwide and there is growing recognition of a global impact. Dementia is characterised by a loss of cognitive functions severe enough to impact personal, emotional, social and occupational functioning and it is identified as one of the key predictors in a transition from independent community living to admission to a long-term care home. Namely cognitive decline linked to dementia is one of the most commonly cited reasons for institutionalisation. The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of cognitive disorders for people with dementia and caregivers in the short, medium and long term and outcomes using a spectrum of Quality of Life measurements. The findings support the continued use, in Relationship-Centred Care, of a bio-psycho-social model as an important source of information about patient and caregiver QoL.

Dementia, Quality of Life, Stress Process Model.
