ICF, BES e didattica per competenze

Filippo Gomez Paloma, Paola Damiani, Dario Ianes

This article introduces the theoretical frameworks of a national study attempting to combine the competence model and the anthropological model of the ICF (International Classification Functioning, Disability and Health) in order to identify pupils with SEN and to create future didactic practice of an inclusive nature. The experimentation was introduced as part of the ministerial projects for the accompaniment to National Guidelines for the first cycle (MIUR 2012), but gradually developed with scientific and cultural reflections and operative factors which define its originality and its heuristic scope, also through the elaboration of tools for helping teachers manage classes with Special Educational Needs.
What binds this national study together is the scientific revolution in the biopsychosocial interpretation of the subject, a vision which also makes use of the theory of Embodied Cognitive Science in order to value individuals in their indivisibility, recognising that context, wellbeing and learning at this stage have too many elements in common to prevent inclusive didactics from tending to regenerate ordinary didactics more and more.
