Co-designing, co-instructing, co-assessing. A research project on the value of collaboration and teachers’ attitudes and practices

Elisabetta Ghedin, Debora Aquario

In the second phase, a group of teachers (20) was selected to be trained on co-planning, co-instructing and co-assessing dimensions of co-teaching (Murawski, 2003), and 2 pairs of teachers (control and target groups) were video observed in their daily practices in the classroom. Data showed a co-teaching paradox, i.e., the contradiction which often exists between what a teacher believes is important at an ideal level, and what is actually deemed to be important on a plane of reality. Finally, teacher training programmes have a responsibility for preparing GETs and STs for collaboration with a focus on strategies to reduce the gap between the ideal and the real situations, starting by reinforcing the ideal vision and supporting the identification of a useful repertoire of collaborative best practices for all in-service teachers.


Collaboration, Attitudes, Co-teaching, Inclusive education.
