Favole in viaggio

Tiziana Lampis, Elisa Costa

This article describes an education-rehabilitation experience that involved a group of 9 adults with Down Syndrome aged between 24 and 36 that attend a Rehabilitation Day Centre. The project aims to achieve greater areas of autonomy and social integration in order to infl uence the quality of life of the persons concerned.
The Favole in viaggio (Travelling fairy tales) laboratory implements a creative writing project that endeavours to respond in an innovative form to the problems and the needs which emerge from the observation of adults with Down Syndrome.
Word games are played in this area to create fantastic stories which are enriched with illustrations and travel to infant schools and nursery schools where they will be read to the children by the same authors. The method adopted is based on the techniques recommended by the text Grammatica della fantasia (Grammar of the Imagination) written by Rodari and other techniques created completely by the teachers to respond to the group’s specific needs.
