Famiglia e Scuola in contesti multiculturali. Tra conoscenza e progettazione pedagogica e didattica

Laura Cerrocchi

This paper introduces the main features of the local context and choices related to the structure and content of the Master’s degree in School organisation and management in multicultural contexts offered by the Department of Education and Human Sciences of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, in order to train teachers and head teachers. On the one hand, it refers to pedagogical and didactical knowledge and planning, focusing on the reciprocity between social, cultural and psychological factors and taking into account the transition between multiculturalism, interculturalism and transculturalism. On the other hand, it alludes to the family and the school, considering the family as the primary observatory and project of migratory processes and language and work as the main mediums of integration and inclusion.


family; school; intercultural education.
