Immigrazione e terrorismo: uno specchio delle nostre paure – Immigration and terrorism: a mirror of our fears
Maurizio Ambrosini -
Immigrants and asylum-seekers are increasingly perceived as a problem in the nation-states in which they settle. While the economy is globalizing, the politics are re-nationalizing by issuing new orders and raising new walls (42 worldwide). The fears lifted by the international terrorism of Islamic origin are added today to the list of reasons for the closures and feed containment policies directed mainly towards asylum seekers. Nevertheless, the refugees who reach the EU are less than 10% of the total world and are actually escaping from the ISIS, while paradoxically, the known terrorists are almost always born, grown and radicalized in Europe. The hostility towards the refugees (more than 1.000 attacks in Germany last year) speaks about us: about our weaknesses, our anxieties for the future, and our difficulties to face the challenges of an increasingly interconnected world. Keywords: immigration, fear, representation, borders.